Location: Freewind Post
Level: 32
Latest Achievements: "Explore Barrens" + "100 Fish"
Total Quests Completed: 214
This post will take on two meanings. Am I missing something works as a subject for both, so now's a good time. First topic up for discussion, my lack of quests in log and second, lack of substance on this blog.

And, in progressing to Crossroads, it seemed to do so. That is to say, until my quests sent me into Ashenvale, Thousand Needles and Stonetallon Mountians -- All at once. That is when my quest log filled to over flowing and my linear path branched into many story lines at once. So I completed quests for Sunrock Retreat, jumped back to SplinterTree Post, and flew down to Freewind Post ... Keeping the storylore straight in my head.
For a blog writer, who intended to write my way through the levels and lore, this is most frustrating. How to write about experiences that will be different for everyone who reads. And so, my writing began to slow and I started feeling less than joyous about writing each day. And I began to believe that readers, should there be any in the future, will decide to abandon my writing in favor of a more interesting and detailed account of daily life. In my defense, it's hard at best to write daily about quest lines completed when quests completed represent 3 different lines. How very disjointed.
Now, at level 32, It seems I have completed all of my quests in Ashenvale. I have been all over the map and cannot find a quest giver who will propel the story further to the north. Perhaps northern story lines are designed for Alliance Elves? Who knows, having never played one, not me. On the bright side, all of my quests now bring me south into Thousand Needles and I can continue my blog in a linear fashion. Or they would and I could, if my quest line did not jump from 29 to 35.
Am I missing something? No flow in the story line. We start learning about Darkcloud Mesa and then, poof, wait until level 35 and run down to shimmering flats to continue. Maybe I really am missing something, or maybe I will need to continue killing random mobs until my level 35/36 bell goes off. In either case, look for this blog to be a lot more linear now that my quests deliver me in the same direction.
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