Sunday, August 9, 2009

Too many quests! - Level 24-26

Location: Splintertree Post
Level: 25
Latest Achievements: "Professional Expert" + "Wailing Caverns"
Total Quests Completed: 158

I decided when I began this character, a new Druid, that I would take every quest that came my way and try to do as many quests in a given area as was possible before loosing experience. The trick has been where to draw the line. Several of my quests from Crossroads and around the Barrens have lead me into other nearby areas. One quest I picked up brought me to Stonetalon Mountains, then took me to Tavern Mill on the opposite side of the world, then back again. In all my running I passed up a number of quests in area's I was "just visiting" and still managed to acquire a full quest log.

It is possible that my full quest log is due to my refusal to abandon any quests. I have quests from dungeon runs that are half completed but I just cannot let them go.

So, I find myself running to different zones (three now, add a forth when I deliver my quest to freewind post) completing the quests that are lowest in value. That, or running a full chain quest to the end and then seeing what is next. I tend to prefer to run the quests start to finish; It is so much easier to remember the quest lore if you don't run off and start another. So far, I've done well in my quest management. None have gone gray on me.


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