Location: Thunder Bluff
Level: 10
Latest Achievements: "Journeyman Cook" + "Achievement Level 10"
Total Quests Completed: 35

On the way to the next village, Bloodhoof Village, you should find someone on the road giving a quest. Conveniently, it is to deliver something to the inn keeper ofBloodhoof Village. When you get there, don't forget to set your hearthstone.
*New to WoW?*: A hearthstone is an item you start out with. If you speak to inn keepers and set your home at their inn, when you trigger your stone you automatically transport to that inn. Its important also, that you log out of the game while inside the inn or in a major city. You'll know you're in the right place because your level number will turn to 'zzz'. This will give you 'rested experience' and each kill you make while in this state will give you more experience points than normal.
Want to hear something funny. I had no idea about how to tell I was in rested experience mode until about level 60. My friend, and experienced leveling buddy, just always had me log out in the inn. Not until level 60 when I started to play alone did I notice my experience bar change from Blue to Purple. If you're blue, your rested, if you're Purple you're not.
This area is much the same as the opening stage, but the quests start to get harder. Pick up all your quests and take a moment to look around.
*My Notes*: Haven't thought about what profession you want? Haven't considered picking up the secondary professions of Cooking, First Aid and Fishing? You Should! I cannot tell you how much time I lost on 'hunter' having to go backwards to kill mobs 20 levels below me in order to skill up my skinning and leather. This is especially true of Cooking, First Aid and, if you choose, Leather Working and Skinning. You can train for all of those professions, and others, here in Bloodhoof Village and, in the case of Leather and Skinning, much of the low level skinning you'll be required to do to start off, can be completed just by skinning the mobs you are required to kill for your quests. I cannot speak for blacksmith or mining, but I feel confident in saying starting early is a good rule of thumb.
Which profession you choose is totally up to you, but train early. I cannot stress that enough. For information's sake, I have a Grand Master Skinner and a Master Leather Worker in 'hunter' so I chose herbalism and Inscription for Milyssa. Leather and Skinning would also work for a Druid. So would Alchemy. Do a bit of reading on Blizzard's WoW Professions Pages to find out what you are most interested in. Also note that Tauren get a natural Herbalism boost as part of their given abilities, so that might be something to consider.
Nothing too informative to tell you about the quests that come up at Bloodhoof Village. Watch the level of the beast you are trying to attack and continue completing the quests you are given. Some are easy (follow a spirit dog) some are more tricky (kill a level 12 humanoid). They WILL have you running all over Mulgore
At levels 4, 6, and 8, you can visit your Druid trainer (in the large circular tent) for more spells and talents.
*My Notes*: Don't worry about buying food, but do buy drink! As a Druid, if you have enough mana you can easily heal yourself to full life, but if you're out of mana, you could be toast. If you choose to skill up cooking, you can easily turn the wolf meat you pick up into food... for free! You could then sell that food, or keep it for yourself. Before I hit level 10 I hit the achievement "Journeyman Cook" just by picking up meat and eggs off of kills I had to make anyways.
Also, don't worry about buying armor at this stage in the game. You will be given better clothes and weapons through the quests you do. At this stage also you wont have to worry about the added bonus' given with some pieces of armor, so I'll explain that when it first comes up for me.
*New to WoW?*: Many quests are given in a chain. You need to complete the first in a chain before you are given the second. You will find several chains that have 4 or more quests linked. Often times, the 'prize a the end' is better than a normal drop.
At some point you will be given a quest that takes you into Thunder Bluff. It is very important that you reach level 10 and speak to your Druid Trainer before considering the travel to Thunder Bluff. My suggestion: Finish all the quests set to return to Bloodhoof Village before you head off to Thunder Bluff.
Especially complete the 'Rite of Vision', 'Rite of Wisdom' trek. The NPC 'Ancestral Spirit' gives you a continuation of the quest 'Journey to Thunder Bluff' which continues on in a chain with a level 14 quest you are given when you arrive.
The well cleansing quests, ending with Wildmane Cleansing is also worth completing. I know its a long run. Wildmane is located north of Thunder Bluff and you have to return the quest to Bloodhoof Village in the south. Hearthstone can be your best friend. Either way you do it, completing Wildmane Cleansing gives you a 'dreamwatch staff', which is far superior to any weapon you currently carry.
*New to WoW?*: Completing quests in any province will also give your Reputation a boost with the capital city. Example: by completing all of the quests in Red Cloud Mesa and Bloodhoof Village I reached the Honored status in my Thunder Bluff Reputation. Higher Reputation status receive discounts at the vendors. To see your reputations, click the reputation tab in your character screen.
Once I completed all of my Bloodhoof Village quests, I continued to Thunder Bluff and was ready to call it a day (yes, I did all that in one day, but it was a marathon 8 hour day). Remember to watch for the ZZZ in the corner to make sure you're getting your rested experience before logging out.
Next time: We begin to explore Thunder Bluff and embark on our first *BIG* druid training experience.
Current Statistics:
Stave, Mace and Defence skill: 55 each (max)
Unarmed skill: 54 (that elusive last point was killing me)
Cooking: 59/150
First Aid: 39/75
Observant among the experienced players will note this article is called level 5-10 but my skill level max at what would be level 11. Correct! Point for you, but it's easier to blog in round numbers, and since 10 is where you get your first major Druid training, that's where I'd like to start.
Strength: 31
Agility: 20
Stamina: 28
Intellect: 26
Spirit: 35
Armor: 214
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