Location: Thunder Bluff
Level: 16
Latest Achievements: "Ragefire Chasm" + "Journeyman in First Aid"
Total Quests Completed: 71
Level: 16
Latest Achievements: "Ragefire Chasm" + "Journeyman in First Aid"
Total Quests Completed: 71

Again our Druid Trainer has sent us into Moonglade. I spoke to the trainer there and he sent me into the lake to search for a bobble. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate to swim. I use a laptop with no mouse and have only just recently figured out how to swim down. Also, I was reading and found that 'x' lets you swim down. Now it's not so bad.
So I found the bobble and handed in that piece of the quest. The second half was much more tricky. I ran everywhere looking for the people I had to talk to and finally had to use Thottbot to find out who to talk to. The funny thing was, I totally discounted the two people, never thinking they would be the residents. I talked to all the vendors, but walked right by.
Incase readers are trying not to use helper websites, I wont tell you who they are. Once you find out, it's a long trek to get the two pieces of the charm you need. It's not tricky or terribly deadly, but it is a long run. I'm really glad I choose to take the level 12 quest to return a trinket to a grave in Silverpine forest. I had a flight path that brought me most of the way from Undercity to the second half of the trinket. All in all, it took me about an hour.
Your reward, the ability to turn into sea lion while swimming. Not as important as turning to a bear, but helpful if you're doing under water quests. I also heard that some lakes have chests at the bottom.
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