Location: Crossroads
Level: 14Latest Achievements: "Journeyman in First Aid" + "Professional Journeyman" + "Complete 50 quests"
Total Quests Completed: 53

Before leaving Thunder Bluff, I picked up two quests that requested me to go into Ragefire Chasm, which is in Orgrimmar. The quests were level 15D so I decided to get some help and run them before they moved into green experience.
But before I ran the dungeon, I had to get myself to Orgrimmar.
Leaving from Crossroads (Don't forget to set your hearthstone), you travel north along the path, taking a right when the path allows. You come to a bridge into Durotar. Continue east until you come to Razor Hill. From there, turn left and continue north until to come to the gates.
Welcome to Orgrimmar and your guided tour.
Orgrimmar is much more spread out than Thunder Bluff. It is also much more of a maze. Before we enter, take a moment to notice that to the left and right of the gates there are paths. If you were to take the path traveling east, you would come to the Zeppelin tower for travel to Tristfall Glades: Undercity, and Stranglethorn Vale: Grom'gol, both in the Eastern Kingdom. If you were to take the path traveling west, you would come to the Zeppelin tower for travel to Borean Tundra: Warsong Hold in Northrend.... though that Zeppelin isn't something we'll need to use until at least level 68.
Like Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar has two entrances. We are at the main gate and enter into the area known as Valley of Strength. Here we find, in the center, the bank and flight path tower. Around the outside ring we find the Auction House, The Inn, the guild master and vendors for different armor and weapons.
Head to the east, our right when standing at the entrance, and you come to a path leading into the area known as the drag. The drag has more vendors, and trainers for cooking, leatherworks, skinning, Herbalism, Inscription, and alchemy.
For this tour, continue to our right and find the Valley of Honor. To the far east is the Hall of the Brave, where the battlemasters are located and the Ring of Valor, where the arena is found. Valley of Honor also has many vendors, and trainers for mining, engineering, blacksmith and fishing. The weapons trainer is here as well.
We have to leave Valley of Honor the way we came, so go out into the Drag, hang a right, and then your first left and immediate right. You'll find cleft of shadows. There are a few vendors in the Cleft of Shadows, but for a Druid, the only real point of interest is the entrance to Ragefire Chasm. It is at the bottom of the ramps past what looks like a swirling field.
Take the west ramp out of the Cleft and re-enter the Valley of Strength. Have a turn right and walk into the Valley of Wisdom. There is only one vendor house here in the Valley of Wisdom, and no trainers. What is here is the seat of the war chief. If you're looking for the head of the Orc race, and pretty much of all of the Horde, he's here.
Rather than continue into the Drag, turn around and make your way back to the entrance of the Cleft. From here, the path continues to the Valley of Spirits. Soon, on your left, there is a rope bridge, it goes across to the Flight Master and down into the Valley of Strength. We'll keep going into Spirit where we find the Hall of Legends, a quartermaster set up (again, more end game). There are a few class trainers here, but other than First Aid, nothing much for a druid. If we were to continue down, there is a long path and the second entrance to Orgrimmar. Nothing much else though.
Head back the way you came, cross the rope bridge and don't forget to talk to the flight master.
As you can see, Orgrimmar is a tricky place to navigate. There are little nooks and crannies everywhere. Take a look around and find the places that are important to you, for your training and weapon and armor needs. If you are ever lost, stop and ask one of the guards, They will know where you need to go.
Druid readers... if you're like me, you're always looking for your trainer. Guess what, No Druid Trainers exist in Orgrimmar. That's because only Tauren can be Druids and this is an Orc capital. We have to get ourselves back to Thunder Bluff for our training. I have yet to explore Undercity and Silvermoon for a Druid Trainer. No matter where in the world you are though, you can always orb to Moonglade and then fly back to Thunder Bluff. That would sure beat waiting for the Zeppelin. ;)
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