Location: Crossroads
Level: 14
Latest Achievements: "Journeyman in First Aid" + "Professional Journeyman" + "Complete 50 quests"
Total Quests Completed: 53
Level: 14
Latest Achievements: "Journeyman in First Aid" + "Professional Journeyman" + "Complete 50 quests"
Total Quests Completed: 53
I noticed a piece of mail from the Druid Trainer requesting me to visit him again at level 14. Of course, I was going to anyways, but didn't think he'd be sending me to Moonglade so quickly.
This session involves curring poison.... and looks like they wait till level 14 because they 1) assume you'll be in crossroads by then and 2) you need that skill level to complete the quest. It's a hard bunch of quests when your as squishy as me.
Things I learned in this training: the flight path from moonglade is only to Thunder Bluff; that it is possible to climb a mountain so high that it's foggy; Herbs are impossible to find even when you are a herbalist. (Hint: the ones you need are usually on the sides of hills).
This quest takes a heck of a lot more time than the other one. I played for nearly 2 hours before I finished, died twice, and nearly leveled while trying to complete it, but the off-hand 'bag' you get at the end of the quest line is beauty ... and has some added stats to boot. Too bad my staff is my best tool and it's two hand. I might start favoring my mace.
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